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2024 Scholarship Winner
Student Spotlight
Lauren Gatewood


Grade: Graduating Senior

State: Indiana

Mu Eta Sigma Member Since: 2023

Describe why you enjoy math: I enjoy math because it puts my problem-solving, curious, and creative nature to work and allows me to discover creation from another perspective.

Describe how you anticipate using math in your future: I anticipate using math extensively in my future as a chemist, particularly in analyzing data, chemical reactions, and experimental conditions. I also plan to use math in chemical research.

I have been involved in my community through the following service projects:

  • Grace Baptist Church Worship Band- I thoroughly enjoy singing and playing in my church worship band. It takes discipline and dedication to practice each week at home, arrive early on Sunday mornings for band practice and lead worship during the service. It has stretched my comfort level to accompany a congregation and sing while playing the piano. I am blessed to be able to worship God every week in the unique outlet of music.

  • The Southeastern Baptist Youth Camp (SYBC)- Office assistant, cleaning crew, and special events

  • Clarity (pregnancy center)- I have served at their yearly fundraising banquets, and donation campaigns. This year I had the opportunity to help set up their new baby boutique.

  • Mainstreet Westport- This is a  community organization that raises funds to beautify our town.  I have helped at yearly fundraising festivals with event set up, as booth volunteer, and provided baked goods. Each year, I help with our town’s Christmas lights.

  • Love Chapel food pantry- Volunteering at the Love Chapel usually consists of stocking shelves or cleaning the restrooms.

  • Beloved- Spending time packing backpacks helps show kids in foster care that they are loved unconditionally no matter what they have been through.

My favorite project was: The Southeastern Baptist Youth Camp (SBYC):  I have worked at the youth camp for several years in whatever capacity is needed, such as cleaning cabins, helping in the office, and setting up for events. Each November, I also serve as a pianist at their semi-formal fundraising banquet. I am beyond thankful for the opportunity to support a camp that has changed so many lives and led many teenagers to Christ. Working for the SBYC has taught me the value of witnessing to the younger generation and how much impact one can have on youth.


I have set the following goals for myself for the next:

  • 1 year: In the next year, my goal is to excel in my upcoming college academic studies, deepen my understanding of mathematics and chemistry, and gain practical experience through research opportunities.

  • 5 years: In the next five years, I plan to complete my undergraduate degree in chemistry without accruing any debt, and possibly pursue further education at the graduate level. I hope to receive professional career opportunities that align with my aspirations in chemical research or related areas.


My older sister has inspired me to consider: My older sister has inspired me to consider pursuing a career in science. Her journey through nursing school has motivated me to explore careers where I can contribute to the field and make a meaningful difference in people’s lives through scientific research.

My favorite subject in school has been:  I have always loved Physics because it is the perfect blend of science and math.

My favorite extra-curricular activity has been: I have enjoyed playing soccer because of the dedication and strength it has taught me to have on and off the field.

The most challenging thing I have ever experienced: This past soccer season I fractured my wrist twice, back-to-back.  This setback required patience, humility, and adaptability both in sports and academics.

My greatest accomplishment to date: Graduating with a high school honors diploma is my greatest accomplishment thus far in my life. It reflects my ability to excel in challenging coursework and demonstrates my perseverance in the face of difficulties.

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