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Student Spotlight

Name: Chloe Dougherty

Age: 18

Grade: 12th

State: Nebraska

Member MHS Since: 2024

I enjoy math because it’s challenging. You must be diligent and methodical, but it offers a sense of accomplishment when you find the solution. It stretches your mind and helps you to see that often there’s more than one way to solve a problem. Studying math offers many life lessons as well as mathematical lessons.

I anticipate using math in my career, pediatric psychology, for research and statistics. It will be extremely beneficial for courses that I anticipate taking in college as well.

I have been involved in my community through these service projects: Homeschool Teen Serve, Meals on Wheels, Kids Ministry and VBS at Citylight Church, High School Leadership team at both Citylight and Lifegate Church, Assure Women’s Center

My favorite project was: Kids Ministry, for the following reason: I love making kids feel known, seen, loved, and cared for. Serving in Kids Ministry at my church has allowed me to be an older sister and mentor to so many kids who need someone steady in their life. It has helped show me how needed pediatric psychologists are and played a major role in directing me towards the career path that I now want to follow.

I have set the following goals for myself for the next:

  • 1 Year: Graduate high school with honors, enroll in the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) majoring in psychology and minoring in behavioral neuroscience


  • 5 Years: Graduate from UNO with distinction, work at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Boys Town, or Children’s Hospital, pursue a master’s degree in psychology

My mentor is studying to be a pediatric psychologist and encouraged me to consider it.

My favorite subject in school is AP Psychology

My favorite extra-curricular activity is running

The most challenging thing I have ever experienced is chronic daily pain for almost three years.

My greatest accomplishment to date has been receiving the Regents Scholarship from UNO, allowing me to graduate debt free from college.

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